
20 06, 2018

How to recover Cisco router password without losing the configuration?

2018-06-20T10:15:37+02:0020 de June de 2018|Categories: Cisco, Networking, Security|

This article is for those IT Managers who are a little "clueless" and don't write down their passwords (always remember in a safe and encrypted place) Who hasn't found a router that we need to reset or recover but we can't find the password or the password, can we recover

13 12, 2017

How to avoid a network loop with Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)

2018-01-20T11:15:31+02:0013 de December de 2017|Categories: Cisco, Networking, Security|

Anyone who knows the Spanning Tree raise your hand! Or you can go look for it in the wiquipedia ... then come back and I will explain to you with flatter words that means this from the STP and because it can cause problems in your network. The Spanning Tree

27 11, 2017

How to configure SSH to a Cisco router?

2018-01-20T11:15:31+02:0027 de November de 2017|Categories: Cisco, Networking, Security|

In this article we will learn how to enable access by SSH (Secure Shell) to a Cisco router. Why enable SSH? Is not Telnet enough? No, the telnet is an access protocol for managing routers and other devices that is famous for the lack of security it offers. The non-encrypted

21 11, 2017

Connect PC to a Cisco Switch or HP with Console Cable

2018-01-20T11:15:31+02:0021 de November de 2017|Categories: Cisco, Networking|

This article is the first thing that should be taught to someone when they want to enter the world of networking. If you did not know that it was a console cable "Console Cable" from now on IT Managers will not be able to live without it. I recommend taking

28 09, 2016

CDP y LLDP: Protocolos de descubrimiento de red. Muy útiles para hacer un mapa de red

2018-01-20T11:15:33+02:0028 de September de 2016|Categories: Cisco, Networking|

Hoy os presentamos dos de los mejores amigos de un IT Manager a la hora de descubrir que hay conectado a tu switch y también para hacer un mapa de tu infraestructura de red. ¿Os habéis encontrado nunca con esta imagen y no sabeis como empezar a buscar qué hay

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